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Thank You So Much Sir @hardelubungen For Mac

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Thank You So Much Sir @hardelubungen For Mac

' That I decided to do a little testing this weekend I took the following: iPad Mini 3 LTE 64GB, iPhone 6 plus 64GB, iPhone 6S Plus 64GB and reset all to factory and 9.. Had to use the power button to bring back up No info in D&U • i3 - smooth but a chop on first open of Spotlight and Control Center.. Screen to screen: • 6S - very smooth but felt syrupy • 6 - smooth but syrupy • i3 - smooth but encountered small chops when changing fast Notifications, Control Center, Task manager and Spotlight: • 6S - very smooth though the bounce back was a bit much except for Task Mgr.

0 2 Executed all while connected to split 2 4ghz/5ghz 200/20 wifi I used resets to avoid OTA and all the inconsistencies it seems to bring device to device.. Thank You So Much Sir @hardelubungen For MacDuring testing the 6 just shut down.. Photos - had one photo download end up in the Screenshot gallery Apps: 6S - most worked well though I did see some glitches - likely fixed in updates.. Task Mgr was okay Core Apps: This was disturbing All apps paused then loaded Wait time was more significant on the i3.

I opened and closed core apps I opened and closed business, gaming, video, and shopping apps.. I lived, man; we did it Thank You So Much Sir @hardelubungen For MacThank You So Much Sir @hardelubungen For Mac OsThank You So Much Sir @hardelubungen For Mac Os XThere have been so many 'it's bad, it's laggy, it's broke, it's not.. 4 - likely fixed in updates i3 - most worked well but saw some strange behavior in the opening sequence (click icon/icon fades out/icon fades in/app launches), pauses were longest of all three devices.. 6 - smooth but encountered a stutter on first open of Control Center and Task Mgr. 3

I did not try to cover everything, just enough to get a feel To level set my ' experience' I matched these against a Note 5 64GB to avoid becoming 'used to' the experience. e10c415e6f 4

Thank you, Mac, for reaching out from whatever plane you were on when you made Faces and showing me there was a life left for me to live in a kindred, cosmic sense that will only make sense to me.. ICloud and App Store asked for id verification 2x i3 - Email - some emails paused then loaded, offline some emails displayed only header. 5